Working too much

I needn't have worried about not working enough

Turns out I go to the office via Commute Number 2 and some days it's past midday when I realise I'm still in my PJs and haven't had breakfast yet.

That's not so clever, and I'm getting better at looking after the worker. 

I'm taking it as a good sign - I'm really focused on my work, interested in what I'm doing, and the housework doesn't have a chance of distracting me. Not that there was any great danger from that quarter.  I'm definitely working more hours than I did in a conventional workplace. This is mostly due to the following:

  • there's a lot to do, and I don't want to create a backlog, since I didn't inherit one (bless you, Mr Predecessor!)
  • everything's needed by someone else, and I don't want to Let Them Down

...both compounded by the worst thing of all... I'm so SLOW

This is the first time in years that I've had a job that I don't already know how to do. No doubt it's very good for me, but it is hard operating at something like 40% competence. Everything seems to take such a long time, and I'm not as confident of my work as I like to be.

Fortunately I'm in an amazing team and my colleagues are very helpful in teaching as I go. It's important to remember that this is a temporary state - I can already see the day, not far off, where I know *how* to do what I'm doing at least 90% of the time. Then we'll see some proper "productivity" as well as a bit more flair and creativity

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